Jesse An Nichols George
I am what is known as a traveling presenter. This is because, while sometimes I work from a base location, I am often times presenting events around the United States. Perhaps in the future I will be able to consider branching into other countries as well. Because my work is always growing, developing, expanding; events, retreats, workshops, are often created based on what seems to be most needed or in alignment with the time that I am making a presentation. My main focus now is blending my work in The Code Journey with what I present.
I am also open to suggestions, should you have a particular need, requirement, or focus for your area or group. My style is more organic than highly structured; because I choose to work with what is happening for the participants at the time they are attending, so that their greatest concerns get addressed. Live events are very dear to my heart; because that is how some of my greatest experiences and connections have happened. I believe in that total immersion free from distractions be it for an hour, a day, or a week.
I have now created a variety of options with a variety of price and time options for people to experience. In learning about the true essence of ourselves, others, and other things we allow for the wisdom to move through this life gracefully and compassionately; while expanding compassion for self and others.
Watch for new events to be added soon.
Expos - Tradeshows - Conferences - Workshops
May 30th and 31st, 2025 - time TBA - The Pyramid Holistic Wellness Center - Rutland, VT - $45/45 minute session - private session work - more information coming soon
May 31st, 2025 - 1:00 - 2:30pm - The Pyramid Holistic Wellness Center - Rutland, VT - $30 - workshop - more information coming soon
July 25th and 26th, 2025 - The Pyramid Holistic Wellness Center - Rutland, VT - $45/45 minute session - private session work - more information coming soon
July 26th, 2025 - 10:30 - Noon - The Pyramid Holistic Wellness Center - Rutland, VT - $30 - workshop - more information coming soon
September 12th and 13th, 2025 - The Pyramid Holistic Wellness Center - Rutland, VT - $45/45 minute session - private session work - more information coming soon
September 13th, 2025 - 12:30 - 2:00 - The Pyramid Holistic Wellness Center - Rutland, VT - $30 - workshop - more information coming soon
October 24th and 25th - The Pyramid Holistic Wellness Center - Rutland, VT - $45/45 minute session - private session work - more information coming soon
October 25th - 12:30 - 2:00 - They Pyramid Holistic Wellness Center - Rutland, VT - $30 - workshop - more information coming soon
"I wanted to thank you, I listen to you talk about being grateful when things are not going right. It made me stop and think about things in my life; so thank you I need that, please keep doing things like this, you do not know how you help out" Bernadette Boccard